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Winter Season Membership Form
Share Size

On top of the share cost, you'll also be charged a $15 membership fee for the winter season. This fee helps offset the cost of running the program and pick-ups.

*Select the size of your share (in $100 increments)

Pickup Location 

Please choose the pickup location most convenient for you. Your choice helps us with planning but does not limit you. You will still have the option of choosing to pick-up at any location throughout the season. 

Membership Agreement

I understand that I am not guaranteed any particular species nor how much of any species I receive as this will be determined by what is caught and what is locally abundant. I understand that products will be available on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the season.


My 2024 Winter Season share is available to me at regularly schedule pick-ups from the time I sign up until April 30th 2024. I agree to collect all or most of my pick-ups before this date.


I understand that my membership benefits only extend through the season until April 30th 2024 with one exception. All members, past and present, will receive  our members-only invite to the Chatham Harvesters Local Seafood Celebration. 

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