“The ocean demands profound respect. While fishing, I always maintain intense focus on the water, exercising hyper-vigilant attention to constantly changing sea conditions. Wind speed, direction, tide cycle, bathymetry...countless variables interact throughout the day to continuously create a new ocean surface. I am privileged to experience the mesmerizing beauty of the resulting waves as they evolve to reflect the endless energy fluctuation of the Sea.” - Luther Bates
“Fleet diversity and biodiversity are an absolute must in order to sustain the fishing communities that fuel the economy of New England. I care because I fish for a living and want children growing up in my community to have the opportunity to do the same, and provide for their own families as they grow.” -Shannon Eldredge
“The Chatham Harvesters Cooperative is a fishermen-owned business that works from a core value of sustainable community and practices, fair off-the-boat pricing for the products harvested, and better control of the supply change in which they provide seafood.
I believe the future of the fishing industry is through the harvester, micro businesses/ small food hubs and processors that feed and provide regional community with locally harvested and value-added food products.” -Shareen Davis

“Working with other folks in the movement has helped our work move faster and further than I ever dreamt possible. Before all the dogfish we caught was exported. Now, it’s making its way into regional universities, schools and restaurants....Young people are really catching on that not only does it matter where your food comes from, but it also matters who caught, grew or produced it. Students love when I’ve been able to share videos and photos that speak to our products’ 100% traceability. Nothing else they’re eating at their schools can be traced back to the source like our value-added products can.”
-Doug Feeney